How it works ?

Simplify steps to live adventures and experiences with family or friends

Discover & Consult

All tourist destinations are referenced there with details on each of them.

Plan and Book

Among an increasingly exhaustive list of hotels and activities that correspond to your wishes or your budgets.

Explore & Live

Adventures and memorable experiences in magnificent landscapes

Important features

Discover a comprehensive platform offering a range of tools to simplify your trip planning. Every feature has been designed to make your experience with Dalmar as smooth and rewarding as possible.

  • Multilingual content

    Dalmar's multilingual feature allows users to have destination, activity and accommodation information in four different languages, making it easier to plan their trip.

  • Centralized reservation

    Simplify your trip by booking everything in one place. Dalmar offers a centralized reservation function for accommodation (hotels, camps, hostels), activities, vehicles, and local guide services, providing a seamless travel experience.

  • Promotion of Sustainable Tourism

    Contribute to environmentally friendly tourism. Dalmar is committed to promoting sustainable tourism by highlighting environmentally friendly activities and encouraging responsible consumption.

  • Complete destination information

    Prepare yourself with detailed information. Dalmar offers comprehensive destination descriptions, highlighting geological wonders, historical sites, and local attractions, allowing travelers to make informed decisions.

  • Local guides

    Experience Djibouti through the eyes of locals. Dalmar's Local Guides feature allows users to book experienced local guide services for enriching and authentic exploration.

  • Security and support

    Travel with peace of mind. Dalmar ensures user safety by collaborating with trusted local partners and offering real-time support when needed, ensuring a secure travel experience.

Winner of the first prize of the head of state
Blue Economy Youth Initiative

All destinations

Discover the heart of Djibouti through our rich gallery of photos and videos, detailed descriptions, and precise locations.

Unique geological wonders

Discover the unique geological wonders, extraordinary landscapes await you for an unforgettable adventure.

Paradise islands and beaches

From serene islands to sandy beaches, our platform guides you to natural gems where dreams come true.

Dive sites & seabed

From captivating dive sites to diverse seabeds, our platform guides you to unforgettable aquatic experiences.

Cave paintings

Enigmatic cave paintings testifying to the past, our platform invites you on a journey through time.

All activities

Be amazed by the natural wonders that Djibouti has to offer, an adventure at every turn.

Excursions & Tours

Discover Djibouti through unique excursions and tours with Dalmar. From adventure in the heart of nature to enriching cultural visits.


Explore the natural treasures of Djibouti through our exclusive hiking tours with Dalmar. Scenic trails with breathtaking views

Dives & Snorkeling

From extraordinary seabed to aquatic discoveries, our platform invites you to explore the crystal clear waters of Djibouti in an unforgettable way.

Sport & leisure fishing

Discover a unique aquatic adventure in waters rich in diversity awaiting you for an exciting day of fishing, whether you are an amateur or a enthusiast.

All accommodations

Choose from a wide selection of accommodation that combines a warm welcome, quality services and options to suit all budgets.


Discover the art of hospitality in Djibouti with Dalmar. Our carefully selected hotels offer a blend of comfort, luxury and authenticity to make your stay unforgettable.


Discover the authenticity of Djibouti with our selected hostels at Dalmar. Warm accommodation nestled in picturesque settings, offering total immersion in local culture.

Tourist camps

Nestled in the heart of preserved landscapes, our camps offer an experience of staying in harmony with nature.

Guest House

Intimate and warm accommodations, offering total immersion in local culture. Immerse yourself in a personalized stay experience

Our entrepreneurial adventure

Latest articles

Follow our news from our startup and the tourism sectors in Djibouti


Yacoub Aden Miguil

Djibouti Forum 2024 - A gateway to vast investment opportunities

Djibouti Forum 2024 brought together investors and startups to discuss the vast investment opportunities in the key sectors of tourism, the digital economy and financial services. Read More


Yacoub Aden Miguil

Dalmar's Saudi adventure: Facing challenges, seizing opportunities at LEAP 2024

Find out how young startup Dalmar met the challenges and seized the opportunities during its participation in the prestigious LEAP 2024 event in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Read More


Yacoub Aden Miguil

First cultural festival in Tadjourah to boost tourism

Explore the Tadjourah Festival, a cultural celebration that radiates beyond borders, highlighting the positive impact on tourism of the city and region. Read More


Yacoub Aden Miguil

First participation in the third international fair of Djibouti

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Yacoub Aden Miguil

Winner of first prize in the 2023 head of state competition

Find out how to maximize your social media presence on a limited budget. Learn how to strengthen your brand without overspending. Read More