Dalmar's Saudi adventure: Facing challenges, seizing opportunities at LEAP 2024

In the pursuit of innovation and growth, our young startup Dalmar reached a major milestone by participating in the prestigious LEAP 2024 event in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The experience was a real springboard, propelling us to new heights and challenging our entrepreneurial ambitions. Immersed in the excitement of this flagship innovation event, we were overwhelmed by a flood of inspiration, innovative ideas and valuable connections. Every moment was an opportunity to grow, learn and push the boundaries of our vision.

The stimulating challenge of LEAP

From the moment we arrived, we were confronted with the immensity of this event, bringing together the brightest minds in entrepreneurship and technology. Far from being intimidated, we welcomed the challenge as a unique opportunity to measure ourselves against the best and demonstrate our added value. Every exchange, every meeting, was imbued with an electrifying energy, pushing us to rethink our strategies, refine our vision and boldly embrace the unknown. LEAP was a real catalyst for growth, where every obstacle we overcame strengthened our determination and resilience.

Forging invaluable links

At the heart of this exciting adventure, we had the incredible opportunity to forge invaluable links with investors, mentors and key industry players. Every conversation has been a source of inspiration and learning, helping us to shape our entrepreneurial trajectory with greater clarity and insight.

Meeting with global investor : Supreet Singh Manchanda

These meetings enabled us to share our passion, present our unique vision and get invaluable feedback from seasoned experts. We were able to validate, challenge and refine our ideas, strengthening our confidence and credibility on the international stage.

Representing Djibouti with pride

Beyond our quest for innovation, our participation in LEAP 2024 was also an opportunity to shine the spotlight on our home country, Djibouti. We proudly displayed our nation’s colors, inviting visitors to discover the wonders of this singular destination.

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Every exchange on our stand was an opportunity to promote Djibouti’s tourism potential, share our rich culture and spark interest in this little-known gem of the Horn of Africa. We were passionate ambassadors, sowing the seeds of flourishing tourism and greater international influence for our country.

Indispensable support

This adventure would not have been possible without the unfailing support of our invaluable partners, the Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO) and the Centre de Leadership et de l’Entreprenariat (CLE). Their trust and generosity enabled us to seize this unique opportunity and represent Djibouti on the world stage.

Soutenu par CENTRE CLE & Digital Cooperation Organisation

With their help, we were able to maximize our presence at LEAP, creating lasting links and opening new doors to promising markets. Their commitment to entrepreneurial development and innovation has galvanized us, strengthening our determination to pursue our quest with tenacity.

Cultivating resilience and adaptability

If LEAP 2024 has been a stimulating challenge, it has also been a lesson in humility and resilience. We were faced with unexpected obstacles, questions and moments of doubt. But it was precisely in these difficult moments that we drew the strength to reinvent ourselves and cultivate our adaptability.

Every obstacle we have overcome has made us stronger, more agile and more determined to succeed. We’ve learned to embrace change, challenge our assumptions and reinvent ourselves over and over again, because it’s in this ability to adapt that the key to sustainable entrepreneurial success lies.

A new era for Dalmar

Our participation in LEAP 2024 marked a turning point for Dalmar. We came away invigorated, galvanized by the opportunities we seized and the lessons we learned. The experience was a springboard to new horizons, enabling us to rethink our strategy, refine our vision and look to the future with renewed confidence.

We are now armed with an expanded network, an in-depth understanding of emerging trends and an unshakeable determination to turn our dreams into reality. LEAP 2024 has been the catalyst for a new era for Dalmar, one marked by innovation, growth and sustainable impact. In conclusion, our participation in LEAP 2024 has been a true entrepreneurial odyssey, littered with stimulating challenges, seized opportunities and valuable lessons. We return stronger, more connected and more determined than ever to pursue our quest for excellence and leave a lasting mark on the global entrepreneurial landscape.